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February 05, 2025

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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): Community Action Kentucky in partnership with the Department of Community Based Services, administers the LIHEAP program in Kentucky through a network of 23 community action agencies with offices located in all 120 counties in Kentucky.  This important Federal program helps provide heating assistance to over 100,000 families in Kentucky each year.  It operates in two components:  the Subsidy component and the Crisis component.

Subsidy Component:  All eligible applicants will receive a benefit amount that is based on their income and primary fuel type.  Benefit amounts range from $34 to $274, with the average benefit being $150 per household.  All vouchers are paid directly to the primary fuel vendor with no funds being distributed directly to the applicant household.  Some agencies offer pre-enrollment during the month of October for the elderly and the disabled.  Contact your local community action agency for more information on pre-enrollment.

Crisis Component:  The Crisis component begins in January and has the same income eligibility as the Subsidy component with the additional requirement that the household must have a "disconnet" notice from their utility company or they must self-certify that they are within four days of running out of their bulk fuel source such as wood, coal, kerosene or fuel oil.  Benefit levels are determined by the amount needed to prevent disconnection or the amount needed to ensure a deliverable amount of bulk fuel.  The Crisis component operates on a first come first serve basis and will be in operation until March 31st or until funds have been expended.

How do I apply?  During the enrollment period for each component, applications are taken in person at the local community action office in each county.  Homebound applicants are encouraged to contact their local office s that arrangements can be made to serve those clients.  Dates and times will be posted in all local papers when the application period opens.

 LIHEAP 2017-2018 will officially begin on November 6th.  Pre-applications will begin on October 16th for households who are on a fixed income.  If you qualify for pre-applications, you may call your local outreach office beginning October 6th.  For an appointment in November or December, applicants may begin calling their local office on October 23rd.  If you have any questions, please call your local outreach office.




P. O. Box 367 / 151 University Drive • West Liberty, Kentucky 41472  • 606.743.3133 •