The Kentucky Career Center JobSight is proud to offer services to help you get on the fast track to a rewarding career...whether you are still in high school or even if you have left school and now want to get the training you need to move ahead.
Kentucky Career Center can help to jump start your career plans and all of the services and training that we offer are FREE if you are eligible.
We want you to have the future you've always pictured for yourself, and we're here to help you take the steps to achieve it.
Services offered include:
- Paid work experience
- Paid summer employment
- Training opportunities
- Job Search
- Resume writing
- Interviewing skills
- Follow-up services
- Career advising
- Job readiness training
If you are interested in applying for any of WIOA's Programs, please print off the application above, fill it out and mail or drop off at:
Office Locations
Menifee County
(inside of the Clark Energy Buildling on Highway 36)
PO Box 518
28B Bible Camp Lane
Frenchburg, KY 40322
For more information in Menifee County call 606-768-3352.
Morgan County
(inside of the MSU/Library Building)
PO Box 367
151 University Drive
West Liberty, KY 41472
For more information in Morgan County call 606-743-3133.
To become a member please call your local office.
We are accepting NEW MEMBERS. Call today for more information.