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December 26, 2024

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The Unemployment Bridge Program (UBP) is a program funded by the federal Hardest Hit Funds and administered by Kentucky Housing Corporation. UBP is a forgivable loan option to assist homeowners in making their mortgage payments. The Program goal is to help homeowners keep their homes while they recover from a temporary loss of employment income. The UBP application packet is available on the Kentucky Homeownership Protection Center website.
  • To be eligible, the applicant must have experienced a job loss or reduction in income due to changing economic conditions, through no fault of their own, and demonstrate a need for assistance.  
  • Clients must have experienced a 15% or more reduction in employment income, have no more than two mortgage liens on the subject property, and the employment event   occurring within 3 years of their application for assistance.
  • A UBP loan is a 0% interest loan with no monthly repayment. The maximum amount of assistance is $15,000 or 12 months, whichever occurs first.
For more information contact the Gateway Community Action Housing Coordinator at 859-404-7641.
P. O. Box 367 / 151 University Drive • West Liberty, Kentucky 41472  • 606.743.3133 •